Productive activities and employment inclusion at Arca di Noè
We manage a laboratory where productive activity becomes a learning experience aimed at employment inclusion, autonomy and participation in social life, both within and outside the workplace.
The division of work for an inclusive approach
We facilitate access to the world of work for people with disabilities or vulnerabilities through tailored socio-educational interventions and training programs, promoting wellbeing, inclusion and relationships. We embrace a peer education approach and person-centered activities to the individual. The work process is broken down to adapt activities to each person’s characteristics, ensuring a dual objective: personal growth on one hand, precision and quality of the product on the other.
Arca di Noè’s commitment to companies and third-parties processes
Our productive activities ensure precise and high-quality work from both a technical and learning experience perspective. We internally carry out production processes (assembly, packaging, and wiring) commissioned by local companies, as well as external activities such as logistics and landscaping. This allows companies to outsource services, processes, and activities, fulfilling the obligations of Law 68/99.
Arca di Noè promotes employment and autonomy for people with disabilities or vulnerabilities
We blend our social and inclusive mission with the desire to be competitive in the workforce through values of productivity, precision, and attention to the individual. Through collaboration with local services, we ensure dignified employment for people at risk of exclusion, with disabilities or vulnerabilities, within a work environment that encourages paths of self-determination for the individual and development for the community.
Birrificio Vecchia Orsa
Since 2007, Vecchia Orsa Brewery has been producing craft beer to support our vision of an inclusive society. Colleagues with disabilities actively participate in the entire production process, adding value to each Vecchia Orsa product. The production of craft beers represents a significant opportunity to expand our production activities and enhance the employment inclusion of people with disabilities.
Productive activities and work inclusion initiatives of Arca di Noè
Since 2008, Arca di Noè has been a part of the Consorzio Solare Sociale, specializing in the installation of photovoltaic, thermal, and wind power systems. It promotes the adoption of more efficient and ecological public and private lighting solutions, also involving individuals with vulnerabilities. The environmental sustainability and renewable energy sector thus become an additional area for the development/implementation of full employment inclusion.