Arca di Noè fosters the inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees through reception projects, integration initiatives and person-centred pathways.
We manage first line reception and integration services for asylum seekers and refugees in different territories: Metropolitan City of Bologna, Nuovo Circondario Imolese, Municipality of Perugia and Florence district. We also collaborate with the Municipality of Bologna as partners of the Reception and Integration System and are partner of projects funded by the Italy National Program AMIF.
Within Consorzio l’Arcolaio, we manage first and second line reception projects. The team of trained professionals delivers services of job placement, L2 Italian classes for foreign people, orientation in the housing sector, psychological support to vulnerable people and promotes activities in favour of inclusion and social cohesion.
We support individuals exiting reception projects and assist those referred by territorial services in finding housing solutions
We provide free legal guidance and counselling to migrants and refugees hosted in first and second line reception projects
We provide free video tutorials and exercises to support people in different activities: navigate the job market, use digital tools and furthermore